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Monday, October 30, 2006

Sven "X" Erixson / Einar From / Piet Franz / Friedländer / Gavin

This is a somewhat later work by then nearly blind swedish
artist Erixson. It's melancholism really beats me!
Work on paper. Dimensions: 40 - 50 cm

Einar From

A little bit hard to determine but the signature
appears to say: Eyn... From. It could be the norwegian
painter Eynar From who lived to be a hundred years old!
It really has a catchy decoration power but done with
great care. The more I look at it, the more quality
I see in it! Oil on panel. Dimensions: 50 / 50 cm.

Piet Franz

Piet Franz was born September 20, 1922 in Rijswijk.
He died on June 21, 1991 in The Hague. Lived and
worked in Rijswijk and after 1946 in The Hague.
Made many study trips to Yugoslavia,  Switzerland,
Yugoslavia and France. Pupil of P. Hanebrink in
Delft and he studied at the Royal Academy of
Fine Arts in The Hague. He was a teacher at the
Vrije Academie in The Hague. Working as a painter
and sculptor. Mentioned in the Pieter Scheen and the
Scharten. Belonged in the fifties to "De nieuwe Ploeg",
a new artistic team. Member of the Pulchri studio
and the "Haagse Kunstkring".

Johnny Friedländer

This German born artist who lived a big part of his life in Paris
made a lot of etching / aquatint works and was a master in it.
This particular work comes out of the collection of the bankrupted 
dutch SNS bank as a label states at the back. Work on paper
Dimensions: Etching: 35,5 / 43 Frame: 78 / 87,5.

There are a lot of works by his hand around but this work
is special as the frame seems to be worked out in collaboration
with the artist. Signed and numbered: 60 out of 95.


It will not be surprising that this artist
also creates beautiful sculptures.
This one is an etching. Work on paper.
Dimensions 25 - 35 cm.

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